Counterfeit Australian Banknotes and Coins

From The Desk of Richard Edward Fahy

Newsletter Number 2/2016.

Date: 1 August 2016.

Subject: Counterfeit Australian Banknotes and Coins


To all valued clients, I write my latest newsletter focusing on counterfeit Australian banknotes & coins. Circa 1911-2014.

My attachments are comical at the very least, as you will soon discover by my description of each counterfeit item presented in this newsletter. There is a clear attempt on the part of the vendor, to on sell these counterfeit items, through registered Australian dealerships, including Any expert in numismatics knows at first glance these listed counterfeit banknotes and coins are of no commercial value, this does not stop these counterfeits from appearing from time to time, the extremely poor quality of these reproductions, gives rise to my personal point of view, that although counterfeits, if a high reproduction quality pose a potential threat to any market, the vast majority of counterfeits are confined to polymer banknotes, with ancient and early Australian coinage forming the bulk of this illegal market.

Pointing out to my readers most of the counterfeit’s are “so bad they are good”. Comical in the extreme. The” masterminds” behind the scams are only limited by their intelligence, lack of imagination together with their inability, to reproduce simple reproductions, as opposed to forgeries.

The Right Note has accumulated photographs of these banknotes & coins over many years for just such an occasion, as our latest newsletter. With 22 years’ experience on the International numismatic market “we can pick a fake”

Please enjoy our Newsletter number 2/2016, with plate numbers for each photograph. I do stress that no photographs or plate numbers have been knowingly used by any Australian numismatic dealer.

For those readers interested in further researching, forgeries, fakes of Australian currency please go to

Please go to our home page, Articles then go to media news-Channel 7 Today Tonight with reporter Mr Paul Makin with a report that I personally presented with C7, & Inspector Brian Hay of The Queensland Fraud Squad, dealing with fakes, forgeries as presented for sale through EBAY, my presence in this article stressed the point that Asian gangs based in China, with representation in Australia, were buying banknotes in low and inferior grades from legal Australian sources, returning these to China, then after a complete process of chemically treating banknotes including washing, bleaching, with ironing the final process, returning these banknotes to E BAY in superior grades for sale. Hopefully these fraudulent practices will end, Australian investors I have a readership of 30 thousand per month act a whole & boycott EBAY

The Asian end of the market cannot complete their forgery tactic due to buying inferior grades of banknotes, they have purchased There will always be repairs, nicks & tears on these banknotes. This Asian cartel has neither had the talent, nor ability to correct these significant faults.

The terminology of ESCOPIC* investigation (copyright RE Fahy Pty Ltd*) meaning through our technology I can produce to all future investors, all repairs, damage, cleaning, trimming before your purchase.

I have written my latest Newsletter in the public interest of all that visit  Australia’s largest on line numismatic dealer.


Sincerely yours.

R.E. Fahy